بســم اللّـه الرّحمـن الرّحيــم

السّـلام عليـكم

އެނގިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެ، އަޅުގަނޑުމެން މިއައީ ކޮމަންޑޫއަށާއި، އަދި ރާއްޖޭގެ ނާޒުކު އެކިއެކި ތިމާވެށްޓާ ގުޅުންހުރި ކަންކަމާގުޅޭ ބައެއް ތަންތަން ބަލާލުމަށްފަހުގައި. އަޅުގަނޑުމެން މިދަތުރު މިކުރީ ޔޫރަޕްގެ އިއްތިހާދުގެ ތިމާވެށްޓާގުޅޭ ކޮމިޝަނަރ ކޯނީ ހެޑްގާޑުގެ އަރިހުގައި. އެބޭފުޅާއަކީ މީގެ ކުރީގައި ޑެންމާކުގެ އެންވަޔަރަންމަންޓާގުޅޭ ވަޒީރު. އަދި އެބޭފުޅާއަކީ އެނގިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެ ކޯޕަންހޭގަންގައި ދާދިފަހުން ބޭއްވުނު ބައްދަލުވުމުގެ ރިޔާސަތު ބެލެހެއްޓެވި ބޭފުޅާވެސްމެ.
މިހާރު ވަޒީފާ އަދާކުރައްވަނީ، މިހާރު މަސައްކަތް ކުރައްވަމުން ގެންދަވަނީ ޔޫރަޕްގެ އިއްތިހާދުގެ ވެރިއެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި. ދުނިޔޭގެ ތިމާވެށްޓަށް މިއަންނަ ބަދަލުތަކާ ގުޅިގެން ޤައުމުތަކުން އެއްބަސްވާންޖެހޭ ކަންކަމަކީ ކޮބައިތޯ ދެނެގަނެ، އަދި ޚާއްޞަކޮށް މިއަންނަ ބަދަލުތަކުގެ ސަބަބުން ރާއްޖެފަދަ ތަރައްޤީވަމުން އަންނަ ޤައުމުތަކަށް ހުރި ގެއްލުންތަކާ ގުޅޭގޮތުން ދިރާސާކުރުމާއި ދެނެގަތުމާއި، އަދި ރާއްޖެފަދަ ޤައުމުތަކަށް އެހީތެރިވެވެން އޮތް މަގުތަކަކީ ކޮބައިތޯވެސް ދެނެގަތުމާއި އަދި އެކަންކަމަށް އެހީތެރިވުމަށް އެންމެ ހަރަކާތްތެރި އެއްޖަމާޢަތަކީ ޔޫރަޕްގެ އިއްތިހާދު. ވީމާ، އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް ލިބޭ އުފަލެއް އެއީ، އެ އިއްތިހާދުގެ އެކަމާ ގުޅޭ އެންމެ އިސްވެރިޔާ، ސީދާ ރާއްޖެ ވަޑައިގެން މިކަންކަން ބައްލަވައި އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް މިފުރުސަތު ދެއްވިކަން. ވީމާ، އަޅުގަނޑު އެބޭފުޅާއަށް ނުހަނު މަރުޙަބާ ދަންނަވަމުން އެބޭފުޅާ އަރިހުން އެދޭނަން ތިޔަބޭފުޅުންނާ ބައްދަލުކޮށް ތިޔަބޭފުޅުންގެ ސުވާލުތަކަށް ޖަވާބު އެރުވުމަށް.

Connie Hedegaard – European Commissioner for Climate Action

Thank you very much Mr President.

Can I first say few words with a very warm thank to the President and to the people of the Maldives on behalf of myself and my delegation for the hospitality that we have enjoyed here.

You might wonder why is it that the new European Commissioner for Climate Action, for one of her first visits abroad, would visit the Maldives. There are very good reasons for that. You can sit in dozens of offices, meetings, you can visit dozens of capitals discussing climate change. But there is a difference actually to come to a place like here to see with your own eyes to see what climate change is all about. You could in many ways say that Maldivians are the frontline of climate change. So it is very important for me to come here and see why it is so urgent that we actually try to combat climate change. And of course, it has also a great deal of sense to come and visit President Nasheed who internationally is one of the leading voices when it comes to raising awareness of why we must in the future do better than we did in the past when it comes to finding intelligent energy solutions and ways to have more sustainable growth. It has been a pleasure to be here. We had the chance yesterday to have the President with us all day which also means that we had the chance of discussing the way forward in negotiations, for hours actually. And that has been a very, very fruitful conversation and as I hope, you know, the European Union has pushed international climate negotiations forward. Also, in the many years when not so many others did so, and now together with allies around the world, we must try to figure how we can actually get international climate deal done as soon as possible. If people are in doubt, they should go to the Maldives to see for themselves why there is a sense of urgency, why it matters that we act now instead of later.

Final point: yesterday, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and the Maldivian Islands in order to have a cooperation to specific projects. The Memorandum of Understanding is about 3.8 million Euros so that we can actually not just talk about cooperating, but it is rather specific projects that could stem from that and the main focus would be on climate adaptation and climate mitigation and I hope the Maldives as well as the European Union will benefit from this extended cooperation.

Hafeeza Abdul Sattar – Voice of Maldives

What other areas can you think, European Union can help Maldives regarding climate change?

Connie Hedegaard – European Commissioner for Climate Action

As I said, I think we could have specific cooperation on technologies, on practice, on projects which will be important for the Maldives. But of course it would be up to the Maldives to decide what kind of projects you will actually give priority to.

I also think that we can cooperate very much in the field of international negotiations, because as I said, your President and the government has really raised awareness and you feel the urgency and I feel what we lack in the international negotiations right now is that more understand to make the international deal. And there, I think we have a lot to offer one another because together we can try to push the more reluctant regions and nations actually to deliver more and to agree on an internationally binding treaty, an agreement in a nearby future.

Ibrahim Munaz – TVM

When the Copenhagen Summit concluded one of the major concerns for the island nations was that their voices weren’t heard much, their demands weren’t met or barely met. So what level of commitment should we expect from the European Union in the future climate summit, to give a leverage to the voices of island nations.

Connie Hedegaard – European Commissioner for Climate Action

We would like to cooperate very much with the most vulnerable countries. That is also one of the reasons why this is one of my first visits. This goes to the Maldives because we think we can really cooperate. I think that we saw in Copenhagen, for the first time ever, all the emerging economies and the United States acknowledging that they have a co-responsibility when it comes to combating climate change. And also for the first time ever you saw these economies together with the rest of us, accepting that we should stay below the 2 degrees increase in average temperature. I think these two things were actually rather big wins from Copenhagen. We did not achieve everything we wanted and that is why the next climate conference in Mexico – that would be to catch-in on those promises. You can say that leaders of the world said: a) stay below the two degrees; b) we all feel a co-responsibility; but, now they must also say c) they must deliver on promises and pledges, to live up to the promise to stay below the 2 degrees. That is about target for reductions and that is one of the main issues for the months ahead. But the other thing is about finances. Because, one of the things that actually came out of Copenhagen was that countries accepted to pledge US Dollar 30 billion over the next two years and that is what we now need to see – that countries not on pledge but actually also deliver. And I can assure you that the European Union is ready to deliver 1/3rd of the 30 billion. We have already pledged that and our finance ministers of 27 European countries a few weeks back said we are now ready to deliver so that the money can come out working. That would be one of the areas where we can actually cooperate.

Abdul Latheef Adam – Miadhu

You have seen some islands yesterday and I think as you said, you would be feeling something different now rather than staying in Europe and seeing it on camera or something like that. I think when you see it from your own eyes, your feelings will be very different from what you have been thinking before. So, do you think you can help us to bring some more like you who can donate us something for our environment because when we have about 200 islands where people are living, about 100 islands are having the same problem. So 50% is almost having and our President says 38 islands are in dangerous situation. So do you think you can help us to bring some more here and show them how we are like.

Connie Hedegaard – European Commissioner for Climate Action

I think you have an excellent Ambassador in your President who actually managed up to the Copenhagen last fall to help mobilising the awareness of the whole planet. So I think the Maldives case is very much on people’s mind. So yes, I would like to help in the sense, that when you have actually being here you have some pictures in your head you can refer back to. It’s not theory, then it is reality and that makes a difference when you try to refer back to it and then you try to understand what the challenges are in a place like this. So as I said the message of the urgency is stronger now than ever and it definitely helps seeing for your self.

ޢަބްދުލްލަޠީފް އާދަމް – މިއަދު ނޫސް

މިހާރު އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް އިއްޔެ ޑރ. ޝަހީދު އަރިހުން، ޚާރިޖީ ވަޒީރު އަރިހުން އެނގިގެން ހިނގައްޖެ، 2008ވަނަ އަހަރު ނިމުނުއިރުގައި ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ދަރަނި ޖީ.ޑީ.ޕީ.އަށްވުރެ %10 އިތުރުކަމަށް. އެހެންވެއްޖިއްޔާ އެއީ 100 އަކުން 10. ދެން އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް ހަމަ އަޑުއިވެމުން އެބަދޭ މިފައިސާތައް ޔޫރަޕާ އެހެން ތަންތާގައި ހުރިވާހަކަ. އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ތިމާވެށީގެ ވާހަކަ ދެއްކިއަސް އެހެން ވާހަކައެއް ދެއްކިއަސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް ފައިސާގެ ވާހަކަ ދައްކަން މިޖެހޭގޮތަކީ، އިއްޔެގައިވެސް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް ސޮއިކުރުމުގެ ރަސްމިއްޔާތުގައިވެސް ކޮމިޝަނަރ ވިދާޅުވި ތިމަންނަމެން ހަމައެކަނި ދިވެހިރާއްޖެއަށް އެހީވާނީ ހަމައެކަނި ނަމެއްގައެއް ނޫނޭ. ރަޙްމަތްތެރިކަމުގެ ގޮތުގައި ބާއްވާނީ ނަން އެކަންޏެއްނޫނޭ، ކަމުގައިވެސް ރަޙްމަތްތެރިވާނަމޭ. ތިމަންނަމެން ދެން އެންމެ އަހަންމިއްޔަތުކަމެއް ދޭނީ ހެޔޮވެރިކަމެއް ކުރުމަށޭ. މިދެންނެވި ފައިސާތައް އެގޮތް މިގޮތްވެ ޔޫރަޕްގެ ބޭންކްތަކާ އެކީގައި ޖަމާވެފައިހުރީމާ އެކަން ފޫބައްދަން ދައުލަތުގެ ޚަރަދުތައް ކުޑަކުރައްވައި އެހެންގޮތްގޮތް ހެދިގެންދާއިރު، ރައްޔިތުން މިދަނީ ވަރަށް ނިކަމެތި ހާލުގައި ޖެހިގެން މިހާރު. އެހެންވީމާ، ތިޔަބޭފުޅުން ކިހިނެއްތޯ ވިސްނަވަނީ މިހާރުގެ ސަރުކާރުން، އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް، ރައްޔިތުންނަށް މިހާރު މިއޮތް ބަރޑްން ތަންކޮޅެއް ކުޑަކޮށްލަދެއްވާފައި މިފައިސާ ތަންކޮޅެއް އަވަހަށް ލިބޭނެގޮތް ހޯއްދަވައިގެން އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ރައްޔިތުންނަށް ތަންކޮޅެއް ލުއިވާނެ ގޮތަށް ކުރިއަށް ގެންދަވަން.


އާދެ، ޝުކުރިއްޔާ. ދާދިފަހުން، އެނގިވަޑައިގަންނަވާނެ ސަރުކާރުން ވާނީ ވަރލްޑް ބޭންކުގެ ސްޓާ އެއީ ސްޓޯލަން އެސެޓް ރިކަވަރީ ޕްރޮގްރާމްގައި ބައިވެރިވެފައި. ދެން، ސަރުކާރުން އުންމީދުކުރާނީ މި މަޝްރޫޢުގެ ތެރޭގައި އެމަސައްކަތުގެ ތެރޭގައި ދިވެހި ދައުލަތުގެ އެއްވެސް މިލްކިއްޔާތެއް ނުވަތަ ދިވެހި ދައުލަތުގެ އެއްވެސް މުއްސަނދިކަމެއް، އެހެން ބައެއް އެހެން ތަނެއްގައި ވާނަމަ، އޭގެ ޙައްޤުވެރި މިލްކުވެރި ފަރާތަށް، އެއީ ދިވެހި ދައުލަތައް އެ މުއްސަނދިކަމެއް ގެނެވޭތޯ މަސައްކަތްކުރުން މިދެންނެވި ސްޓާރ ޕްރޮގްރާމްގެ މަޤްސަދަކީ، އަމާޒަކީ. އަޅުގަނޑުވެސް އުންމީދު ކުރަނީ އެ ޕްރޮގްރާމް މެދުވެރިކޮށް އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް އެފަދަ ފައިސާ ނުވަތަ އެފަދަ މުއްސަނދިކަން ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރުގައި ނަމަވެސް ހުރިކަމަށް ފާހަގަކުރެވިއްޖެނަމަ އެފަދަ މުއްސަނދިކަމާއި ފައިސާ ދިވެހިރާއްޖެއަށް އަނބުރާ ގެނައުމުގެ އެންމެހާ ކަންކަން ކުރުމުގައި ސަރުކާރަށް ވާރލްޑް ބޭންކުގެ މިދެންނެވި ޕްރޮގްރާމް މެދުވެރިކޮށް އެހީތެރިވެދޭނެ. ވަރަށް ބޮޑަށް ޝުކުރިއްޔާ

Again, thank you very much. I thank the commissioner for a very engaging visit to the Maldives. we have been able to have a number of discussions. As the Commissioner pointed out, we have been able to have long hours of conversation and therefore, we are that much more aware of how we may be able to assist each other, on how we may be able to, when we go to the next Conference of the Parties in Mexico, how we might be able to come with a more substantial and an amicable programme, a solution, an understanding and an accord.
Again thank you very much for coming to the Maldives.