President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that the aim of this administration is to expand the country’s progress to the entire population so that it is shared by every single citizen. He made this statement this morning, while addressing the public at the ceremony held to inaugurate the Harbor in Innamaadhoo Island, North Maalhosmadulu Atoll.

During the ceremony, President Yameen emphasized that this administration is putting in every effort to bring the development desired by the people. Speaking in this regard the President reassured that this administration has the capacity and energy to repay the loans secured for developmental projects. 

Continuing on, President Yameen stated that this administration considers every island equally in terms of brining development, regardless of its size or the size of its population. He reiterated that the administration works towards providing development and progress for all.

Speaking further, the President stated that our biggest blessing was our Islamic faith, and called upon everyone to always safeguard our Islamic values.

President Yameen is currently on a three-day visit to some islands of North Maalhosmadulu Atoll and South Miladhummadulu Atoll.