President Dr Mohamed Waheed has today visited Alifushi Island, as part of his current tour of some islands in the North Maalhosmadulu Atoll.

Meeting the people of the island this morning, the President spoke of our weakening faith and how it creates the opportunity for foreign powers to influence the nation’s affairs.

The President noted that foreign powers would always try to influence us every time there is conflict and instability within the society, and in turn worsen the country’s social harmony.

Underlining the political differences within the society, President Waheed said that top priority should be accorded to our religion or national interest. Continuing in this regard, the President said that our national anthem, national flag, and national colours that symbolize the country should come first.

In his speech, the President called upon the people to strengthen familial relations and communal unity for a stronger nation. Noting the negative effects of political differences on relations among family members, the President urged everyone to prevent political views from breaking up our families. He also appealed to the people, to put a united front for the development of the island, national development, and for our future generations.

As part of his visit to the island today, President Dr Mohamed Waheed also laid the foundation for 6 additional classrooms in Raa Alifushi School.