President Dr Mohamed Waheed has said that penalties prescribed under the law must be given for any violation of the Constitution. He added when legally prescribed punishments are handed out to a person, he or she should not be allowed to destroy the nation as a consequence. President made this remark yesterday while addressing the people of Dhaandhoo.

He said some have tried to take matters into their own hands by calling for violence and destruction, when things did not happen as they planned or wished. Such behaviour, he said, could not be allowed as it resulted in violation of everyone else’s right. The President stressed that all law enforcement authorities must fulfill their obligation to uphold the law.

Continuing in this regard, President Waheed said that where justice was not served and rule of law was not upheld in a country, only the rule of the jungle would prevail, where the strong exploit the weak. He added that we must not allow this to happen in the Maldives and called on all state institutions to prevent such lawlessness.

The President said some young people unfortunately might think it was a good thing to defame and shout at people. However, he added, when senior people in the country became victims of murder, it was time the young people also thought deeply.

He, therefore, appealed to young people to think about the state of their country.