President Dr Mohamed Waheed has inaugurated the Maldives Military Veterans (MalVets), and First Lady Madam Ilham Hussain has inaugurated the Sifainge Family Association (SIFAMA). The ceremony was held last evening at the Kalhuthukkalaa Koshi.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice President Mohamed Waheed Deen highlighted the importance of a family association for armed forces, noting the armed forces’ dedication and steadfast services for the country. The Vice President spoke on the many occasions on which the armed forces of the Maldives made innumerable sacrifices for the country.

The Vice President said that a family association would bring everyone closer together, and would provide for everyone to support each other more. He said that it would also be a chance to spend more time with families in a better environment, which was very much needed in the Maldives today.

Underlining the importance of the Maldives Military Veterans that was inaugurated last evening, Vice President Deen said that the invaluable national services of those retired army personnel should be recognised and appreciated, and never forgotten. He said that the veterans first came in to the military service because of their love for the nation, which should be carried forward for the future generations of this country.