Vice President Mohamed Waheed Deen has called for more work to be done against the abuse and trade of illicit drugs, at the launching of Kaamiyaabu Beleniveriyaa, a book on successful parenting issued by Journey, a Maldivian NGO working against illegal drug abuse and trafficking.

The Vice President noted that the book would provide much guidance to parents and guardians, in protecting their children from falling victim to the use of illegal drugs.

At the ceremony held at Nasandhura Palace Hotel as part of commemoration of the International Day against Drug Abuse, the Vice President said that debates on solving this societal issue should not halt in the Maldives today, and spoke on the number of government programmes being carried out in tackling the problem.

Highlighting the importance of the book Kaamiyaabu Beleniveriyaa, the Vice President expressed his appreciation to the different NGO’s in the Maldives, in creating increased awareness on the dangers of illicit drugs. Vice President Waheed Deen also said that it was the government’s responsibility to assist and support all NGO’s in their combat against illegal drugs.