بســم اللّـه الرّحمـن الرّحيــم


Your Excellency Mrs. Droupadi Murmu, President of the Republic of India,

Your Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India,

Honorable Ministers,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Good evening and

As-salaam alaikum wa-rahmathullah wa-barakaathu.

I thank you, Excellency, for the warm and gracious sentiments you have expressed about me and the Maldives.

Allow me at the outset to thank you, Madam President, the Government and people of India for the warm welcome and generous hospitality accorded to me, my wife Sajidha and members of my delegation, during this visit.

Visiting India, and in particular the historic and vibrant cities of New Delhi, Agra, Mumbai and Bengaluru – fills my heart with immense pleasure. This, my very first State Visit to India, is a joyful occasion, where I bring with me the warmest wishes of the people of Maldives to the government and neighborly people of India.

Madam President,

Today, we gather to celebrate and reflect upon the enduring relationship between two remarkable nations: the Maldives and India.

Though we have vast differences in terms of size, population, and geography, there is much that is common to us. Common elements that are woven into the very fabric of our histories, cultures, and shared aspirations for a prosperous and harmonious future.

Together, we represent a partnership that transcends borders and is vital for regional stability and development.

Our friendship is built on centuries of maritime connections, trade, and cultural exchanges. Since time immemorial, our peoples have shared not only goods but also ideas, traditions, and values. This historical tapestry is a reminder that our destinies are intertwined.

India has consistently proven to be a steadfast ally. Our cooperation spans multiple domains—from trade agreements that benefit both our economies to collaborative initiatives in health, education, and technology.

India is among our largest trading and development partners. India is also a second home to many Maldivians who travel here, for healthcare, education, and tourism. And of course, Indian cinema, Bollywood, does not require any introduction among Maldivians, of all ages.

Madam President,

India has stood by us, through every challenging turn in our journey. As we move forward, next year will mark the sixtieth anniversary of establishing formal diplomatic relations between our countries. I am confident that this celebration will strengthen our bonds to flourish to even greater heights.

I am pleased to note that the Greater Male’ Connectivity Project will transform the economic landscape of the Maldives, for which we are extremely grateful to India.

Indian nationals have made significant contributions to the growth and development of our communities, and we are grateful to each and every one of them.

India remains one of the top tourism markets. I would therefore like to take a moment to appreciate and welcome Indian tourists who visit the Maldives. As they explore our pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and warm hospitality, we hope they create unforgettable memories to last a lifetime.

While we celebrate our achievements, we must also acknowledge the complexities that lie ahead. The geopolitical landscape is ever-evolving, and we must navigate these waters with care and foresight.

Open dialogue and transparent communication will be paramount in addressing any concerns and ensuring our partnership remains robust against external pressures.

As we look to the future, we must invest in our most valuable asset—our youth. They are the torchbearers of tomorrow, eager to embrace opportunities for education, entrepreneurship, and cultural exchange.

By fostering collaborations between our educational institutions and encouraging youth engagement, we can create a generation that not only cherishes our shared heritage, but also drives innovation, collaboration and digitalization.

Madam President,

I pledged to respect our neighbors and maintain good friendly relations with all nations. I promise to abide by that. In fact, on my first day in office, my first priority was to reach out to India. Through diplomacy and friendship, I aimed to ensure that India comprehends our challenges and remains committed to working together to find solutions.

I am confident, particularly following this visit, that our relations with India will grow stronger and more robust.

As we strive to enhance our cooperation, the values that unite us, and brought us here today, will continue to guide our efforts. By supporting each other, respecting each other, we can find mutually beneficial solutions that serve the interests of both our countries.

Let us reaffirm our commitment to a strong and enduring partnership. Together, we can build a future that honors our past while embracing the opportunities that lie ahead.

I wish you, Madam President good health and wellbeing, and continued prosperity and progress for the friendly people of India. May the close ties of friendship and cooperation between the Maldives and India go from strength to strength in the years to come!

I thank you all!