بســم اللّـه الرّحمـن الرّحيــم

Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Interim UN Resident Coordinator,
Other Cabinet Ministers,
Ladies and gentlemen.

السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته

And a very good afternoon

For a country like the Maldives, a nation of scattered islands amidst the vast Indian Ocean, the digital revolution is not just a trend; it is a lifeline, a beacon of hope illuminating our path towards sustainable development and resilience.

When we talk about digitalization, there are a few questions we must ask:

Why should we invest in it?

Is it a tool reserved for more developed and wealthy countries?

Can we afford to digitalize our systems instead of directing that capital towards more necessities like healthcare, roads, and housing?

And, most importantly, how will digitalization impact a small country like the Maldives?

The answer, to me, is clear: Digitalization is the cornerstone of our national vision. In an era where digital tools are at our fingertips, and where physical boundaries no longer limits us, we are committed to ensuring that every Maldivian, regardless of geographic location, has access to the digital tools they need to thrive.

Our island nation, with its unique challenges, is a testament to the transformative power of innovation. From managing our scarce natural resources to enhancing public service delivery, we are showcasing how digitalization can shape our future.

Allow me to share with you, our journey towards digital transformation—a journey marked by innovation, inclusivity, and determination.

The Maldives is embracing digitalization not only to enhance our economic prospects but to elevate the quality of life for our people.

Over the past decade, we have made significant strides in building the digital infrastructure necessary to connect our islands.

Today, 100% of our population has access to high-speed internet, and we continue to enhance its efficiency.

But digitalization is not just about infrastructure; it’s about our people. Our focus is on empowering our citizens with digital literacy, ensuring that they are not just consumers of technology but also creators and innovators.

Through initiatives like the Digital Maldives Program, we are equipping our youth with the skills needed to succeed in the digital economy.

Equally, we are ensuring that our women, the backbone of our society, have equal access to these opportunities.

As a nation highly vulnerable to climate change, the Maldives face urgent environmental challenges. Rising sea levels threaten our islands and our way of life.

But digitalization offers us a powerful tool to combat these challenges.

From early warning systems that protect our communities from natural disasters to smart technologies that optimize the use of our scarce resources, digital tools are helping us build a more sustainable and resilient future.

Furthermore, digitalization enables us to bridge gaps in service delivery by offering remote access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and government services.

It also helps us diversify our economy, promoting e-commerce, digital payments, and entrepreneurship.

These digital tools create opportunities for start-ups and small businesses to flourish, contributing to economic diversification.

In governance, digital systems are reducing corruption, enhancing accountability, and streamlining public services. With efficient digital governance, both citizens and investors benefit, strengthening the foundations of our society.

However, we recognize that the challenges of the digital age are complex.

Issues like cybersecurity, data privacy, misinformation, and the digital divide require global cooperation.

The Maldives is committed to working with the international community to address these issues, ensuring that the benefits of digitalization are shared equitably.

Looking ahead, our vision is clear: a Maldives where every citizen, every business, and every institution is digitally empowered.

We are building a digital economy that is inclusive, innovative, affordable, and sustainable.

Through e-governance, we aim to make public services more efficient and transparent, and we remain committed to creating a digital society that upholds our values, protects our culture, and promotes social equity.

As we gather here today, we stand at the brink of a new era—one where our decisions will shape the trajectory of our small island nation and the planet for generations to come.

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the paramount importance of digitalization for our development. From online health services to tele-classes, and from enabling remote work to e-commerce, we have shown that we are ready for a digital world. Now, it is time to embrace and elevate this transformation.

Digitalization is not just a tool; it is the key to unlocking a brighter, more sustainable future.

Even when we were considered a least developed country, we achieved universal telephone coverage.

Today, essential services like healthcare, education, housing, and social welfare are accessible to all Maldivians through various digital platforms.

We are also exploring cutting-edge applications of 5G technology, including using drones for medical supply delivery and implementing smart road systems.

These advancements will open new doors for academics, industries, and decision-makers alike.

Effective governance in this digital age is critical, especially given the unique geography and environmental challenges we face.

One of our major hurdles is a lack of capital, which is why I spearheaded the establishment of the Development Bank of Maldives.

This institution will focus on financing projects that support digital innovation, sustainability, and both economic and social development.

We are also developing a National Development Master Plan to create innovation hubs and technology parks across the country.

Additionally, to support our digital revolution, we are expanding the National Centre for Information Technology and have established a National Cybersecurity Agency to address security concerns.

As I conclude, I want to remind us all the story of the Maldives is a story of resilience. We are a small nation, but our ambitions are vast. Digitalization is the tool that will allow us to not only survive, but to prosper and thrive in an ever-changing world.

With the continued support of the international community, and with the unwavering determination of the Maldivian people, we will turn this vision into a reality. Our aim is not just digital connectivity, but a transformation that enhances the quality of life for every Maldivian and contributes to global efforts towards sustainable development.

I extend my gratitude to the United Nations team in the Maldives for their support in building the digital structures necessary for our development.

As we move forward, let us remember that our success will be measured not just by the technologies we deploy but by the lives we improve through using them.

Today, I urge all of you not to see this as a moment of reflection, but a call to action. Together, we can build a future that is resilient, intelligent, and inclusive. Together, we can shape a brighter, more sustainable world for the Maldives and beyond.

Thank you.