On Thursday, First Lady Sajidha Mohamed articulated that graduation isn't a mere certification but a validation of self-growth. She made the remarks while speaking as the chief guest at the Islamic University of Maldives (IUM) convocation ceremony for 2024.

Speaking at the ceremony, the First Lady emphasised the importance of students pursuing avenues of collaboration and communication. She highlighted the value of perception and constructive criticism as tools for instigating transformative changes and advocated promoting productivity and personal development as critical elements in their educational journey.

She further reiterated her encouragement for students to embark on a lifelong journey towards self-development by honing their skills.

In her remarks, the First Lady emphasised that IUM has been a historic institution that has brought transformative progress to the Islamic community in the Maldives, and shed light on its inception.

At the ceremony, the First Lady presented certificates to graduates from this morning's convocation.