President Dr Mohamed Muizzu met with the L. Maamendhoo Council and Women's Development Committee (WDC) members to discuss the residents' most pertinent developmental needs. The meeting took place at L. Fonadhoo's Social Centre.

At the meeting, the Council members discussed various challenges related to land scarcity, harbour repair, road development, and developing healthcare services.

In reply to a question posed by WDC members throughout the meeting, the President detailed his ambitions and vision for the future advancement of the WDCs. He relayed his objective to ensure that WDC members receive the same employee benefits as other staff, including an increase in the current WDC allowance and the facilitation of annual leave and other benefits.

The President assured the Council members that he would address the issues brought up during the meeting. Through the Ministers present, he relayed the latest updates on the key issues raised by the Council.