First Lady Fazna Ahmed highlighted on Tuesday the pivotal role of mental health care in fostering a healthy and productive society. She underscored the necessity for these services to be accessible, affordable, and decentralised during her speech at the inauguration of the second Psychology Symposium and Exhibition. The event, organised by Villa College, took place at the QI Campus in observance of World Mental Health Day.

During the inaugural ceremony, the First Lady emphasised the importance of ensuring that all citizens have access to appropriate mental health care, irrespective of their location or financial capacity. She asserted that this approach ensures every individual's ability to contribute to their communities without being hindered by unaddressed mental health issues.

Accentuating the significance of preventive measures in maintaining mental health, the First Lady advocated for enhanced efforts to identify and address mental health issues through primary healthcare systems and educational institutions. She underscored the importance of addressing mental health concerns to maintain a peaceful, prosperous, and productive community.

First Lady Fazna also reminded everyone of their collective responsibility to ensure proper mental health care for all and stated that mental well-being should be based on values of courage and empathy. She further expressed hope that evidence-based treatments would continue to be widely available to those in need.

World Mental Health Day is observed annually on October 10. The theme for World Mental Health Day 2023 is 'Mental health is a universal human right.'