First Lady Fazna Ahmed officially opened Urbanco's 'Childcare Space' on Tuesday. The ceremony took place at the Urbanco head office in Hulhumalé. After the inauguration, she toured the 'Childcare Space,' located on the second floor of the head office building.

During her visit, First Lady Fazna interacted with the children of Urbanco's employees enrolled at the facility. The 'Childcare Space' is staffed by three trained professionals, catering to the needs of children aged between three and ten. This complimentary service, available during regular working hours, is extended to all Urbanco employees as a part of the company's commitment to supporting its staff.

The establishment of this facility underscores the administration's unwavering commitment to enhancing social stability, championing women's empowerment, and nurturing healthy family relationships. It offers a secure and supportive environment for employees' children, enabling parents to achieve an optimal work-life balance.