The Cabinet has today initiated discussions on declaring Keylakunu and Neykurendhoo Islands of South Thiladhummathi Atoll, and Baarah Island of North Thiladhummathi Atoll, as conservation areas.

The discussions were held on a paper presented by the Ministry of Environment, and the Environmental Protection Agency, at today’s meeting of the Cabinet.

At the meeting, members agreed on the natural and ecological values of Keylakunu Island along with its reef and lagoon area, the wetlands and mangrove of Neykurendhoo Island, and the wetlands and mangrove of Baarah Island. 

Noting the urgency of the matter, members of the Cabinet underscored that environmentally protecting at least one island, one reef, and one wetland from each atoll is part of the “First 100 days Goals” of President Solih’s administration.

Cabinet members also underlined the importance of conserving such unique and fragile islands and ecological sites as national heritage for the benefit of future generations. They also highlighted that despite the Thiladhummathi Atoll being naturally unique and eco-rich, no part of the atoll has previously been protected under the Environment Protection and Preservation Act of the Maldives.

As part of the administration’s commitment to promote environment friendliness, President Solih launched a campaign to reduce single-use plastic in President’s Office earlier this week.