The first resident Ambassador of Japan, His Excellency Mr. Kazumi Endo has presented his Letter of Credence to President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, this morning, at the President’s Office.

At the ceremony, the President congratulated Ambassador Endo on the commencement of his term and welcomed the first resident Ambassador of Japan to the Maldives.

During the call, the President expressed his sincere gratitude for the generous contributions and support by the Government of Japan, to the economic and social development of Maldives. The President also expressed that the established Embassy of Japan in Malé would further strengthen the Maldives-Japan relations with more social engagements and high-level exchanges.

Ambassador Endo expressed that serving as the first resident Ambassador is an honour and privilege, and took confidence in the Government of Maldives for its determination to enhance the friendly relations between the two countries.

The President was accompanied at the call by Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Asim, and Under Secretary at the President’s Office, Mr. Mohamed Naseer. The Ambassador was accompanied by the Counsellor of the Embassy of Japan, Mr. Masaharu Shimizu.