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President and First Lady attends ceremony to award letter of employment to 100 people with disabilities employed at Fenaka Corporation Limited

25 December 2016

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ފެނަކަ ކޯޕަރޭޝަން ލިމިޓެޑުން ނުކުޅެދުންތެރިކަން ހުންނަ 100 ފަރާތަކަށް ހަމަޖައްސައިދެވުނު ވަޒީފާގެ ލިޔުން، އެފަރާތްތަކާ ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާގެ ދެކަނބަލުން ހަވާލު ކޮށްދެއްވައިފި
25 ޑިސެންބަރު 2016, ޚަބަރު
President and First Lady attend ceremony to award letter of employment at Fenaka Corporation Limited to individuals with disabilities
25 December 2016, Press Release