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President appoints Permanent Representative to the United Nation, Ambassador to USA and Non- Resident Ambassador to Canada

09 July 2017

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އެކުވެރި ދައުލަތްތަކުގައި ހުންނަވާ ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ދާއިމީ މަންދޫބުގެ މަޤާމަށާއި، ދެ ޤައުމެއްގެ ސަފީރުކަމަށް ބޭފުޅަކު ޢައްޔަން ކުރައްވައި، މަޤާމުގެ ފަތްކޮޅު ދެއްވައިފި
9 ޖުލައި 2017, ޚަބަރު
President appoints Permanent Representative to the United Nation, Ambassador to USA and Non- Resident Ambassador to Canada
09 July 2017, Press Release