Vice President Mohamed Waheed Deen has conveyed greetings to the people of the Maldives on the New Year. Following is a translation of the Vice President’s message:

“It gives me immense pleasure to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes to the people of Maldives for 2013.

“As we welcome the New Year, our greatest concern should be the challenges faced by the country. It is very importance for citizens to work together in a friendly spirit to overcome those challenges. This is the time for all to unite to overcome the political, economic and social issues. This is the time to prioritise national harmony above personal interests and serve the country with loyalty and sincerity. This is the time to renew our spirits to work in greater cooperation to fight against corruption. This is also the time to adhere to principles laid out in Islam for interpersonal interactions and communication.

“I appeal to the people of Maldives to uphold the above values and advance national and societal harmony, peace and security.

“I pray to Almighty Allah to bless the Maldives and its people with happiness and prosperity in 2013. May Allah also bless our efforts to overcome the challenges faced by the country and grant peace and prosperity to us.”