President Dr Mohamed Waheed has met with the people of Hulhudhuffaaru this morning, as part of his current tour of some islands in the North Maalhosmadulu Atoll.

Addressing the people of the island, the President noted that Hulhudhuffaaru was an example of the population centralisation policy, which had been a very valuable experience for the country. The President underlined that there were still some islands in the Maldives with a significantly small population, and that the experience of population centralising in Hulhudhuffaaru was much needed for the future of the country.

In his speech, the President highlighted the many challenges faced in achieving social development, with regard to decreasing populations in the islands. The President said that the desired social advancement for the future could be achieved unless inhabitants of smaller islands were relocated to bigger islands.

Speaking to the people of Hulhudhuffaaru, the President also mentioned the lack of job opportunities, and the coastal erosion issues faced in the island. He further assured that the government would take every effort to solve the issues faced by the people.