President Dr Mohamed Waheed and First Lady Madam Ilham Hussain have begun a tour of some islands in the North Maalhosmadulu Atoll this morning. The President and the First Lady visited the island of Inguraidhoo as their first stop of the tour.

Addressing the people of the island, the President noted the unity and close bonds among the people of Inguraidhoo and expressed his great joy for the support and assistance given to each other, and the priority given by the people for the development of the island.

The President said that the government was continuously working on achieving all its developmental goals. He also assured that the government would provide its services and assistance to all the people as best as fiscally possible, without any discrimination among the people.

In his speech, the President highlighted the issues being faced by the people of Inguraidhoo, and said that the government continued to take the necessary steps in solving the issues.