Vice President Mohamed Waheed Deen has said that we are all responsible for the pressing problem of drug abuse in the country, and that we should all work together in resolving the issue. The Vice President made this remark while speaking at the commemorative ceremony of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

Highlighting the government expenditures on rehabilitation, the Vice President said that those coming back into society from the prison or after completing rehabilitation should be trained vocationally, at the facilities. He also said that a rehab would not be considered fully functional if it could not bring back into the community, productive and useful individuals.

Vice President Waheed Deen further spoke on the high crime rate in the Maldives, stressing the importance of looking into its underlying causes. In his speech, the Vice President noted the efforts being made by the different NGOs in the country, in protecting this generation from the clutches of illegal drugs, and expressed his appreciation for the NGOs’ work.