President Mohamed Nasheed has said that the government will make every possible effort to meet the needs of the people. Highlighting on the various developmental projects of the government’s manifesto currently underway, the President expressed his pleasure with the speed and progress of the schemes.

In his weekly radio address given this morning, the President also shared information on some of the government’s main programmes. Speaking in this regard, President Nasheed noted that training programmes for 750 people will commence during the next week, under the government’s plan to vocationally train 8500 youth. He also said that more inmates will have the opportunity to be rehabilitated under the “Second Chance” programme.

The President expressed his positivity that the Veshifahi Male’ programme would be making speedy progress in the near future, noting that 100 land acquirement agreements have already been signed during the last week.

Looking upon the public sector investment programmes of the government, President Nasheed noted that the contracts have been signed for the development of harbours in two islands, and for the causeway to be built between Madaveli and Hoadeddhoo of Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll.

Speaking on the preparations for SAARC Summit in Addu City and Fuvammulah, the President stated his optimism that all the arrangements will be complete in time for the SAARC Summit.