President Mohamed Nasheed has appointed new members to the Presidential Commission convened by a Presidential Decree on 5 April 2009 to independently investigate the allegation of police torture and mistreatment of prisoners in custody.

Members appointed to the Presidential Commission today are as follows:

1. Mr Amin Faisal
2. Dr Ahmed Ali Sawad
3. Mr Mohamed Shafeeq

The President has also asked the Commission to investigate the disappearance of case files and documents of the ongoing investigation launched after evidence was found that human bones discovered in the site of former Gaamaadhoo prison on 19 September 2009 were that of Abdulla Anees of Vaavu Atoll Keyodhoo Bashigasdhoshuge.

Files and documents at both the Maldives Police Service and the Department of Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Services that relate to the investigation of Abdulla Anees' case has gone missing.

The President asked the Commission to investigate the case of missing files, as this disappearance points to a deliberate attempt to hide evidence to obstruct an ongoing investigation.

Other responsibilities of the Commission include investigating and compiling a report on allegations of mysterious disappearances, violations of human rights and torture of prisoners, and attempts to hide and destroy evidence of such cases.

Mysterious disappearance of Abdulla Anees is an important case in investigating the alleged torture, violation of human rights and killing of many inmates during the previous 30 year dictatorial regime.