بســم اللّـه الرّحمـن الرّحيــم
السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركا ته

Today, we gather here to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the United Nations Development Programme in the Maldives.

Fourty-five years is a significant milestone in the partnership between the Maldives and the United Nations. It is a moment to celebrate a partnership that has withstood the test of time.

A partnership that has evolved and adopted to meet the aspirations and challenges of our people.

A partnership that reflects our shared belief in progress, development, and human dignity.

A partnership and joint commitment to sustainable development and a future where every Maldivian has the opportunity to thrive.

Together, we have charted a course from a time when the Maldives was just beginning to explore its potential to the modern, resilient, and forward-looking nation we are today.

Since opening its country office in the Maldives, in 1978, UNDP has been a steady presence in our journey towards sustainable development. The expert support from UNDP played a key role in the Maldives graduation from a Least Developed Country in 2011.

From the early days of addressing quite basic development needs to the more recent initiatives focused on climate resilience, economic diversification, and social inclusion, women’s empowerment, good governance, and institutional reform, UNDP has played a pivotal role in shaping the Maldives development trajectory. Particularly those driven by the innovative and creative spirit of young people.

Each project, each initiative, and each success story over the past 45+ years, reflects our collective efforts and the transformative impact of our partnership.

Together, we have navigated challenges, celebrated victories, and forged a path towards a brighter future for our nation, amidst the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

I look forward to the exhibition that will be unveiled later this evening, which I am told, illustrates this journey thus far.

They are stories of resilience in the face of adversity, lessons drawn from successes along the way and, all in all, our mutual commitment to development.

In my address to the UN General Assembly last month, I announced my vision for the Maldives. Which is that by 2040, I wish to see the Maldives as a full-fledged developed nation. A nation that commands respect and embodies resilience.

I also announced my intention to transform the Maldives with a digital economy that can contribute up to 15 percent of our GDP by 2030.

We count on the support of UNDP in achieving these goals, and to appreciate the assistance provided to us in forming the twenty-year development plan and Government SAP – both of which are currently under progress.

The Maldives has made great strides in our journey towards prosperity and sustainable development. They represent the lived experiences of Maldivians - of better prospects and brighter futures.

For this, we owe a debt of gratitude to the UN Team in the Maldives – past and present – who have played a part in our development journey. You have our deepest appreciation.

As we look ahead, we are committed to continuing this partnership, with renewed vigor and determination. The challenges ahead are formidable, but with UNDP on our side and by our side, we are confident in our ability to build a more resilient, inclusive, and prosperous Maldives.

Let us continue to work together to ensure every citizen is provided accessible solutions to live a fulfilling life.

Together, we can face the challenges that confront us on our path.

Together, we can ensure that the fruits of our development reach every corner of our beautiful country, leaving no one behind.

And together, we can continue to transform our nation for generations to come.

Thank you all!