بســم اللّـه الرّحمـن الرّحيــم

Her Excellency Ambassador Wang Lixin, speaker of the parliament Hon. Abdul Raheem Abdulla, Chief Justice Hon. Muthasim Adnan, former president Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan,

Cabinet Ministers, members of the parliament, ambassadors, high commissioners,

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Assaalaam alaikum and a very good afternoon

It is with immense pleasure that I join you today, to celebrate the occasion of the 75th National Day of the People’s Republic of China.

On behalf of the government and the people of the republic of Maldives, I extend our heartfelt congratulations to the esteem leadership and resilient citizens of the People’s Republic of China.

Today we commemorate the founding of the People’s Republic of China 75 years ago. It is a day that symbolizes the unwavering spirit, endurance, and perseverance of the Chinese people.

It is a celebration of a journey that has seen China rise from adversity to become a global leader across multiple domains, from economic prowess to technological innovation, from cultural enrichment to scientific excellence.

Over the course of these 75 years, China’s transformation has been nothing short of miraculous.

What began as a vision to re-build a nation from the ashes of hardship has blossomed into an inspiring story of growth, prosperity and leadership on the world stage.

China’s trajectory of resilience coupled with a commitment to modernization has firmly established its position as a powerful force in the global economy, while its cultural heritage continues to inspire millions.

In the past few decades, China has demonstrated to the world the power of unity, the strength of strategic vision and the tenacity to overcome any challenge.

From the grandeur of the Great Wall to the sleek, futuristic skyline of Shanghai, and the cutting-edge advances in artificial intelligence and quantum technology, China has been a shining beacon of what a nation can achieve through dedication and hard work.

China’s rise is not just its own story—it is a source of inspiration for all developing nations, including the Maldives. Through the reforms initiated under visionary leadership, China has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, creating unprecedented prosperity and becoming the world’s second largest economy.

For us in the Maldives, China’s transformation is a powerful testament to the possibilities that emerge when nations dare to dream big and act decisively.

Allow me to share a story, one that is deeply embedded in the collective memory of the Maldives, symbolizing the profound friendship between our nations.

In 2004, the Maldives experienced one of its darkest moments when the Indian Ocean tsunami devastated our shores. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed, and entire communities were displaced.

Amidst this overwhelming tragedy, nations from across the globe extended their support. But among the first countries to come to our aid was China.

In those critical days following the disaster, Chinese medical teams and disaster relief experts arrived swiftly on our islands, bringing more than just aid. They brought hope.

These professionals worked tirelessly, side by side with Maldivian citizens, not only delivering medical care but also helping to rebuild homes and restore a sense of normalcy. Their efforts were more than acts of assistance; they were acts of solidarity.

These teams arrived as strangers but left as friends, and the memory of their selfless service continues to resonate in the hearts of the Maldivian people.

This heartwarming gesture of support is emblematic of the enduring friendship between our two nations.

It underscores the mutual trust and understanding that has come to define China-Maldives relations—a relationship not merely transactional but rooted in the compassion that arises in times of need.

The relationship between the Maldives and China is built on the solid foundation of trust, mutual respect and a shared commitment to the principles of sovereignty and non-interference.

Despite the geographical distance that separates our nations, the bond of friendship has only grown stronger over the years. Our partnership, rooted in common aspirations of peace, development, and cooperation, is one that both nations cherish deeply.

China has consistently been a steadfast partner in the development journey of the Maldives. Whether through numerous housing projects and infrastructure projects that have transformed our archipelago or through assistance during challenging times, China has stood by our side.

The landmark China-Maldives Friendship Bridge is a shining symbol of this enduring partnership—a daily reminder of the strength and possibilities that arise when two nations come together as with a shared vision for the future.

Looking ahead, we envision even a greater cooperation between our nations in areas such as trade, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, renewable energy, cultural exchange and housing and infrastructure development

The Belt and Road Initiative, which has the potential to redefine global connectivity, offers an exciting pathway for even deeper collaboration.

The Maldives is committed to playing an active role in this initiative, believing firmly that it will foster mutual growth and prosperity, not only for our two nations, but also for the broader region.

As we gather here today to celebrate China’s national day, it is also a moment to reflect on the shared values that binds our nations together. The commitment to peace, the respect for sovereignty and the pursuit of sustainable development are principles that both China and the Maldives uphold with great conviction.

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, it is these values that will guide us towards a future of shared and mutual respect. As small nations like the Maldives confront the existential threat of climate change, we are reminded of the urgent need for international cooperation.

China’s leadership in promoting global climate action, its commitment to the Paris agreement and its vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity resonates deeply with us.

We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with China to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time, from climate change to sustainable development and beyond.

In closing, as we celebrate this important day, let us also celebrate the enduring friendship between China and the Maldives, a relationship that is built on mutual respect, shared aspirations, and unwavering trust.

As we look to the future, let us remain confident that the bonds of friendship and cooperation between our two nations will only grow stronger, guiding us towards a future filled with greater opportunities, prosperity and harmony.

On this auspicious occasion I once again extend my warmest congratulations to the people and government of China. May the People’s Republic of China continue to thrive, leading the way towards a more peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious world for all.

Thank you.