President Dr Muizzu met with Madifushi Island’s Council and the Women's Development Committee. The meeting was held at the Secretariat of Guraidhoo Council this morning.

During the meeting, the Council emphasised that their primary concerns included incomplete projects, poor project quality, and a lack of planning by the previous Administration. The Council then requested the hastening of the incomplete projects.

The Council members additionally highlighted the correlation between the island’s development and the development of the atoll airport. The members expressed the need to advance Fenaka projects and upgrade the island’s water and sewerage systems, noting the difficulties faced by the residents. The members further identified some uninhabited islands to incorporate into the council’s jurisdiction. They additionally urged the prompt initiation of the Revetment Project and noted the necessity of constructing a causeway on the island.

During the meeting, the Women's Development Committee highlighted the need to improve the services provided by the health centre and the challenges faced by the WDCs due to their low salaries.

President Dr Muizzu assured the council members that he would work towards efficiently resolving their issues after consulting with relevant authorities.