First Lady Fazna Ahmed unveiled 'The Invincible: The Confusion' by Anwar Naeem, the first installment of a fictional trilogy. The book unveiling was held at the National Library on Thursday.

At the event, the First Lady praised Anwar Naeem's passion for completing 'The Invincible: The Confusion.' She encouraged authors and writers to consume knowledge through reading, emphasising that good writers are also avid readers, just as good orators are good listeners. The First Lady also highlighted the importance of perseverance and maintaining an open mind in the pursuit of writing.

The First Lady also underscored the importance of supporting writers and fostering an environment conducive to their success. 'The Invincible: The Confusion,' the first book in a trilogy by Anwar Naeem, is a work of fiction that explores extraordinary events in the Maldives and beyond.