First Lady Fazna Ahmed inaugurated on Sunday the 'Dhaalan' Clinic at the Women's Rehabilitation Centre in the Halfway House in Hulhumalé, expanding the range of treatments offered. The inauguration ceremony for the clinic was held in Hulhumalé this afternoon.

The clinic will focus on providing high-quality services to women needing treatment for drug addiction and addressing the unique challenges women face in family planning. The clinic will offer primary and preventive healthcare, addiction care, obstetrics, gynaecology, tobacco cessation, and other services tailored to the needs of women. The clinic will also provide family planning and reproductive health services in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Society for Health Education (SHE).

The clinic's opening will allow patients who have difficulty accessing centralised treatment to receive care and learn the necessary skills to reintegrate into society and better support themselves. The clinic offers inpatient and outpatient services, convenient outpatient options in the city, and online accessibility for individuals living in other areas. This will enable more people to access the care they need to improve their health and well-being.

After inaugurating the clinic, the First Lady conducted a tour of the facility and inquired about the specific services offered. She also had the opportunity to meet with some of the patients currently receiving treatment at the Women's Rehabilitation Centre. She also expressed her gratitude to members of UNFPA, SHE, Hulhumalé Hospital, the Ministry of Health, and the National Drug Agency (NDA) for their invaluable contributions in facilitating the establishment of the clinic.