President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih met with the family of the late Abdulla Jameel, a long-serving public servant and recipient of the Order of the Distinguished Rule of Izzuddin (O.D.R.I.), on Tuesday to offer his condolences and sympathies. Vice President Faisal Naseem joined the meeting at the President's Office.

Speaking at the meeting, the President paid tribute to the late Abdulla Jameel, who had served the government for over 54 years. He expressed the nation's deep sorrow at the loss of such a dedicated public servant and offered his sincere condolences to the late Abdulla Jameel's family. The family expressed gratitude for the government's recognition of the late Abdulla Jameel's service.

Following the meeting, President Solih and Vice President Naseem signed the book of condolence opened at the President's Office in memory of the late Abdulla Jameel. In his message, the President praised the late Abdulla Jameel for always putting the country and its citizens first during his long and distinguished career in public service. The President also thanked him for his contributions to the nation's parliamentary system. The Vice President echoed the President's sentiments in the condolence book, writing that the late Abdulla Jameel had a lengthy history of significant service to the country.

Abdulla Jameel passed away on June 12, 2023, at 87. President Solih issued a directive (No. 04/2023) on Sunday declaring that the national flag would be flown at half-mast for three days, from 1 p.m. on June 12, 2023, to 1 p.m. on June 15, 2023, in mourning for the late Abdulla Jameel. He was laid to rest after a state funeral in Galholhu Cemetery.