President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Thursday met with the council members and Women’s Development Committee (WDC) representatives of Noomaraa Island in the North Miladhummadulhu Atoll. The President and the council members spoke extensively about the administration’s developmental goals for the island and its residents at the meeting held at the President’s Office.

The council members shared the island’s most pressing concerns with the President, including difficulties faced in using the harbour; coastal erosion; space constraints and lack of adequate resources in the school and health centre; waste management; and the need for a new mosque. They also expressed gratitude to President Solih and his administration for addressing the health centre’s issues, including constructing an extension building and developing a new classroom block in the school.

The council members also acknowledged the administration’s commencement of a project to construct a new building for the council secretariat—the agreement for the project was signed today. The President of the WDC shared with President Solih the challenges they face in discharging their duties.

Speaking at the meeting, President Solih briefed the representatives on the latest updates on the developmental projects currently underway and planned for the island. Highlighting the concerns raised by the council members, the President assured them that the administration would seek ways to address them and noted that the administration would accord priority to alleviating the challenges faced in utilising the harbour.