Vice President Faisal Naseem has met with the Councillors from Hangn’aameedhoo Island Council of South Ari Atoll. Discussions at the meeting, held this morning at the President’s Office, were focussed on developmental plans and concerns about the most urgent needs faced by the residents of the island.
During the meeting, the Councillors shared their concerns regarding the status of utility services provided in the island such as sewerage and water supply. They highlighted the need for renovation and development in the healthcare and education sectors and waste management. Moreover, the Councillors also discussed various other programmes and projects required for the betterment of the island’s community.
Speaking at the meeting, the Vice President stated that the water supply project of the island will commence later this year, and highlighted on the various other developmental projects currently in progress, including the harbour development project. He further assured that the administration would discuss with relevant stakeholders to address the concerns related to the sewerage network. The Vice President also noted that the administration would take necessary action after discussing with relevant ministries to address the specific queries and concerns.