President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has today met with Councillors of Magoodhoo Island of South Miladhunmadulu Atoll and enquired about the needs and concerns of the people, ongoing developmental plans and future development plans of the island.

During the meeting held at the Secretariate of the Miladhoo Council in Miladhoo Island, President Solih stated that the purpose of conducting such meetings is to fully understand the needs of the public so that the government can work on incorporating the necessary projects in preparing next year’s budget. He further said that another primary purpose is to discuss development plans for the future welfare of the islands, and help the Councillors fully understand the opportunities that will be available through the proposed amendments to the Decentralization Act.

During the meeting, Magoodhoo Councillors relayed details of several concerns and pressing issues such as concerns regarding the issues faced by soil erosion in the harbour area, the need for a proper mosque, issues at the healthcare facilities, electricity issues, and shared ideas to improve the economic gains.

Speaking at the meeting, President shared updates and timelines of projects marked within the scope of the 2019 government budget. In this regard, he stated that the work of building a mosque on the island would be initiated this year.

Concerning individual delays and unresolved issues, the President expressed that these would be taken up with relevant line ministries to ensure that they are given due attention.