President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said that the success and progress achieved by island communities are entirely due to the efforts and hard work of the citizens of that particular community. The President said this in his address to the people of Ukulhas Island of North Ari Atoll today on the occasion of World Human Rights Day and Fisherman’s Day. The President is on a day-long trip to Ukulhas.

Highlighting his electoral pledge of empowering local councils, President Solih stated that decentralised governance is mandated by the constitution in an effort to empower local communities. He also noted that his administration has already begun to deliver on its pledge of reinstating the powers and responsibilities of local councils that were previously withheld.

The President also reiterated that his administration does not believe that community governance should be the exclusive mandate of the executive government but rather that national development could only be achieved through strong decentralised governance where communities have a say in deciding things that affect them.

The President further appealed to all councils to work closely with the people in delivering their services. In his speech, the President also highlighted some of the future development projects planned for Ukulhas and the region.