President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that the Maldives National Defence Force proves that Maldivians will always stand up for our flag and the country. The President made this remark while speaking at the official function held at Kalhu-thukkalaa Koshi this evening, to mark the 126th Anniversary of the Maldives National Defence Force.

Speaking at the function, President Yameen highlighted the measures being taken by the administration to safeguard our independence and sovereignty, and to protect our country by strengthening the national defence force.

Moreover, the President commended the Chief of Defence Force’s assurance of MNDF officers always being ready to sacrifice for and protect our country without any hesitance, as faithful, steadfast, model citizens.

Speaking in this regard, the President highlighted the invaluable services provided in protecting and safeguarding the national sovereignty, and expressed his gratitude to the Maldives National Defence Force.

The President also reiterated the importance being aware of modern-day attacks through intellectual warfare.

In addition, President Yameen spoke on the damages caused to the Maldivian economy as a result of defamatory actions of a few individuals residing abroad, and condemned their actions.