President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that the society is more important than an individual, and reiterated that the law applies to everyone equally. The President made this statement while speaking at an evet held by the Progressive Party of Maldives this evening.

Noting that no one was above the law, the President said that despite receinving special benefits and consideration based on one’s occupation, it was not a license to break the law.

Moreover the President said that today in the Maldives, no one is being arrested outside the legal procedures and stated that the arrested person has every right and opportunity to appeal their case at the Supreme Court.

President Yameen said that though we may need the assistance from the international community in certain situations, there was no need to involve them in solving our domestic matters, or in making our internal policies, foreign policies or legal procedures. President Yameen said that these policies should be made by Maldivians, in accordance with the Islamic shariah.

In his speech the President also higlighligted the progress and achievements of the education sector, and the government’s development projects being carried out across the country.