President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has said that bringing about development across the country was a duty tasked by the people, to the administration. The President made this statement while addressing the people of Kendhoo Island of South Malhosmadulu Atoll this evening, following the inauguration of the Island’s Harbour.

In his speech, the President emphasized the responsibility upon all leaders to deliver on their pledges made to the people. In this regard, the President reiterated the commitment attached by his administration to fulfilling the people’s hopes and dreams, and facilitating them a better life.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Yameen shed light on the major developmental projects currently underway. Speaking in this regard, the President shared his visions of a more united and harmonious society, on completion of the government’s key projects – namely, the development of the Male’- Hulhule’ bridge, the Hulhumale’ housing project, and the 25-storey Dharumavantha Hospital.

The President is currently on a 3 day visit to South Miladhummadulu Atoll, Faadhippolhu Atoll, and South Maalhosmadulu Atoll.