President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that his administration will put in every effort to fulfil the aspirations of the people. The President made this statement while addressing the people of Maalhendhoo Island this morning, following the inauguration of the island’s harbour.

In his speech, the President said that in order to ensure a peaceful life for all, it was in our hands to create a harmonious environment. President Yameen said that his team was always ready to fulfil the people’s aspirations, and encouraged the people to demand from their leaders in order to reach their dreams.

Highlighting that the Maldives is a peace loving, Islamic nation, President Yameen said that being a democracy meant resolving all our matters within the limits of accepted principals, and that it wasn’t a free pass for us to force our own interests forward.

In his speech, the President noted that the completion of the Al-Masjidul Thaqwa mosque and the island’s harbor were blessings, and reminded everyone the importance of being thankful for such blessings. In this regard the President noted that the administration’s mandate was to bring development to the whole country. The President further highlighted the developmental plans for the country’s future and shared his visions for the Maldives’ economic transformation.

The President is currently on a 3 day visit to South Miladhunmadulu Atoll, Faadhippolhu Atoll and South Maalhosmadulu Atoll.