President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom stated that the Maldives' small size did not make it resourceless, and that this Administration will go to great lengths to ensure the fulfillment of the people's needs, even by generating more resources. The President made this statement while speaking at a function held by the Progressive Party of Maldives this evening.

Speaking at the event, the President emphasized on the developmental projects undertaken by this administration. In this regard, he shed light on the accomplishments made during the last four years, especially in the area of health sector. Moreover, the President highlighted that this administration is the first one in the country's history to ensure 24-hour electricity service in each Maldivian island.

Furthermore, the President reiterated that this administration will ensure the recovery of State assets lost. He underscored that all necessary investigations will be carried out, and that the responsible party will be brought to justice.