Vice President Abdulla Jihad has stated that the economic development of the nation is interconnected with the peace of the nation. The Vice President made this statement while addressing the function that was held tonight to mark the 7th Anniversary of Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA).

In his speech, the Vice President stated that the nation belongs to all and that development can only be reached with contribution from everyone. Additionally he emphasized that the Administration has an economic agenda aimed for development of all the islands. The Vice President also stated that the country’s development was related to the people’s self-sufficiency and that it would only be possible through better national productivity.

Highlighting the services being provided by MIRA, the Vice President commended the MIRA staff for their honesty and reliability, which has gained the public's trust.

At the function, the Vice President conferred the winners of this year's Ranlaari Award. The award was introduced by MIRA in recognition of taxpayers who pay the highest amount of taxes.