The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has stated that any person especially a politician prioritizing self interest over that of national interest is a path to political upheaval. He stated this while speaking at the function held at Kalhuthukkalaa Koshi to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF).

While speaking at the ceremony the President highlighted that the long 125 year journey of MNDF made it one of the oldest institutions in the country. He stated that the ideals of the military were one that is always ready to sacrifice defence of our national sovereignty, independence and faith.

In his speech, the President shed light on the history of attacks on Maldives by others dating back to the year 1400. He pointed out that this had been the biggest challenge for any leader who ruled the Maldives.

Further, the President stated that while many in the opposition vocalized disapproval to the death penalty that it is now law of the land and implementation process would be ready in the coming months; acting as a deterrent to violent crimes. The President went on to condemn the murder of Yameen Rasheed and vowed to improve upon the past.

Moreover President Yameen stated that safety and protection is a right of every Maldivian citizen and that every government should ensure their protection. He went on to state that this has occurred due to failings by concerning institutions who have to take responsibility and face up to their failings.

During the ceremony, the President praised the two Honourees Lieutenant General (Retired) Abdul Sattar Adam and Major General (Retired) Adam Zahir stating that they have shown great examples to the nation and outdone the political leaders in this country.