President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has inaugurated Islamic TV channel “Munnaaru”; a TV channel aimed to create religious awareness amongst Maldivians, during a function held at President’s Office on Thursday morning. The channel was established by Public Service Media.

While speaking at the function, Chairman of Public Service Media; Mr. Ibrahim Umar Manik highlighted that after winning the election and taking office, the most valuable work done by President Yameen is the effort exerted in strengthening the Islamic faith of Maldivians.

Besides the Chairman of Public Service Media, Deputy Managing Director of Public Service Media, Mr. Mohamed Ikram Abdul Latheef also addressed the attendees of the ceremony.

During this ceremony, Managing Director of Public Service Media; Mr. Ibrahim Khaleel presented a commemorative plaque to the President.

The President was accompanied at the function by Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Ahmed Ziyad, Chairman of Public Service Media; Mr. Ibrahim Umar Manik, Managing Director of Public Service Media; Mr. Ibrahim Khaleel and senior officials from the President’s Office.