President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim have concluded their official visit to Malaysia and arrived back in the Maldives ‪Thursday night‬. Upon their arrival the President held a press conference at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport during which he briefed the local media on the Malaysia visit.

During the press conference, the President stated that the official visit proved to be a positive step to strengthening the relation between the two countries. With the increased number of Maldivians travelling to Malaysia, he requested the Malaysian Government to allow on arrival visas of 90 days to Maldivians, he said adding that ongoing work to arrange dependent visa for guardians of Maldivians studying in Malaysia was also under way. The President stated that, similar to Sri Lanka, a cultural center would be established in Malaysia.

President Yameen also explained that discussions were underway to arrange for oil imports at a concessionary price via Petronas. Pointing to financial dealings between a Malaysian bank and a Maldivian business, the President stated such transactions be carried out within the proper framework so that the good will of Maldives is maintained among overseas institutions.

The President also stated that because Malaysia is one of the most developed countries in the South Asian region, it would be beneficial for the economic development of Maldives to have Malaysian investors invest in Maldives.