President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has expressed assurance that all ‎endeavours of the Government to promote ‎socioeconomic development ‎and raise the living standards of the people will, ‎in no way, jeopardize or ‎threaten the independence and sovereignty of the ‎Maldives.‎ The President ‎made this remark while speaking at the flag hoisting ‎ceremony held on ‎Saturday at Republic Square, on the occasion of the nation’s ‎‎49th ‎Independence Day.‎

Underscoring that the contemporary challenges and threats to our ‎independence is no ‎longer the bullet of a mercenary’s gun, but are attacks ‎focused at ‎our economy and designed to impoverish our people, the ‎President appealed all political ‎parties and politicians to refrain from any ‎activities that may jeopardize our ‎economic development.‎

Speaking at the function, President Yameen asserted that the establishment ‎of Special Economic Zones in strategic locations ‎across our archipelago, ‎features among the key economic manifesto pledges of his administration. ‎In this regard, the President ‎stated that the enactment of the proposed SEZ ‎Act will raise ‎investor confidence and thereby attract further foreign ‎investment to the ‎Maldives. Continuing in this regard, the President noted ‎that it would also facilitate a large number of job opportunities, reduce the ‎‎dependency of our economy on tourism, boost business and commerce ‎in ‎the Maldives, as well as improve standards of living and ‎increase the ‎circulation of foreign currency in our economy.‎

The President spoke of the major development projects being planned by ‎the Government. Highlighting that the first and most important projects ‎‎that ‎the Government will embark upon will be the Ihavandhippolhu ‎‎Integrated ‎Development Project or iHavan, President Yameen noted that ‎the project will be the gateway ‎to the ‎development of the northern atolls, ‎bringing with it job opportunities ‎and ‎improved infrastructure and ‎conveniences to the residents in the ‎northern ‎most atolls.‎ ‎

The President further spoke on the Government plans to developing and ‎upgrading the ‎Gan International Airport and the Hithadhoo Regional Port, ‎with a view to ‎boosting economy and business in Addu City. Furthermore, ‎the President stressed on the massive Government project to develop the ‎‎Ibrahim Nasir International Airport. ‎

The President also emphasised the special priority attached by his ‎Government to the wellbeing of the youth. ‎ In this regard, President ‎Yameen underlined the Government vision to establish a Youth City in ‎Hulhumale’.‎

President Yameen condemned the efforts of the self-interested few who ‎‎have constantly called for tourism boycotts and for buyers to reject ‎Maldivian ‎fisheries products. Continuing further, the President reiterated ‎the Government commitment to defeat these ‎conspirators, and to promote ‎a generation of peaceful and affluent young ‎generation in the Maldives.‎