The new Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain accredited to the Maldives, H. E. Mr. Gustav de Arístegui, presented his letter of credence to President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom, this morning.

At the ceremony held at the President’s Office to present credentials, President Yameen welcomed Ambassador Arístegui to the Maldives, and congratulated the Ambassador on the commencement of his term.

Meeting the new Ambassador afterwards, the President and the ‎Ambassador discussed bilateral relations that exist between the two ‎countries.‎

Highlighting the similarities between the Maldives and Spain, President Yameen and Ambassador Arístegui exchanged ideas on areas of mutual concern. Ambassador Arístegui stated that as a coastal nation itself, Spain was particularly committed to championing the socioeconomic and environmental aspirations of island states, such as the Maldives. In this regard, the Spanish Ambassador noted that Spain was eager to provide technological and other assistance to the Maldives in the global fight against climate change and commended the Maldivian Government for its efforts to promote sustainable development and green tourism. Discussions were also focused on efforts to combat radicalism, and the respective ambitions of the two states in various multilateral forums and organizations.

At the meeting, deliberations were held on future cooperation on the international front. Ambassador Arístegui communicated his government’s desire to increase its engagement and interaction with South Asia. Further, the new Ambassador highlighted that Spanish technical and technological support would be forthcoming to the Maldives in key areas of development, including urban planning, waste management and conservation.

Commenting on the situation in Gaza, President Yameen appealed to the Government of Spain to encourage international action to support the plight of the Palestinian people, who he described as facing a human rights crisis of horrendous proportions. Ambassador Arístegui recalled Spain’s role over the years in finding a negotiated peaceful solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict.

‎The meeting was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. Dunya Maumoon and Minister at the President’s Office, Hon. Mohamed Hussain Shareef.