Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed has said that as we go forward as a nation, special attention must be paid to nurture those who would lead the country in the future, and that the responsibility was primarily on those in the education sector. The Vice President made this remark while speaking at a meeting with Principals from atoll schools.

At the meeting held at Nasandhura Palace Hotel last evening, the Vice President said that in a country or a society, no one was as empowered or as valuable as teachers and educators. He said it was a fact that knowledge was power, and that the advancement of society was through education.

Highlighting the projects planned for the education sector, the Vice President noted that areas that had previously been neglected have now been included in the newly compiled educational curriculum. He especially noted the introduction of civic education in the new syllabus.

In his speech, the Vice President expressed his dismay at having to witness usage of offensive language, and other deviant behavior in public, in the name of difference of opinion. He noted that major efforts were needed to repair this dent in our society. In this regard, the Vice President said that the programmes currently underway to counter these social issues were of utmost importance. He underlined that the new educational curriculum would vastly encompass Islamic discipline and Islamic education. He also pointed out the importance of the role of educators, as well as the cooperation of parents and children, in restoring our social fabric.