The government has welcomed offers of assistance from friends in the international community to help resolve the current political impasse in the country.

Earlier this month, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited the Maldives and played an important role in helping to foster dialogue between opposition parties and the government.

On Thursday, the US Assistant Secretary of State Mr. Robert Blake will visit the Maldives, after concluding a visit to Sri Lanka. Mr Blake’s arrival follows a visit by the US Ambassador for the Maldives, Patricia Butenis, in the first week of July.

The government has also received offers of help and support from India, the European Union and the Commonwealth.

“We are extremely grateful to our friends and partners in the international communities, who are trying to help us resolve the political crisis,” said Press Secretary Mohamed Zuhair.

Press Secretary Zuhair said that the government was also looking forward to assistance from the International Parliamentary Union, who are due to visit the country shortly to promote better understanding of the limits of power and the role of checks and balances in a well functioning democracy.

The government has also asked the International Commission of Jurists to assist the Maldivian judiciary, the Press Secretary noted.