In his 46th weekly radio address, which is recorded in Bhutan after the conclusion of the Sixteenth SAARC Summit, President Mohamed Nasheed has expressed hope of a more effective and efficient SAARC in the future.
In addition to the SAARC Summit, in his radio address which was broadcast on Voice of Maldives this morning, the President also spoke on his visit to China that he will begin today, the objectives of his travels abroad and the increase in incidence of crimes against women.
Sixteenth SAARC Summit
On the Sixteenth Summit of the leaders of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), he said he advocated for SAARC to be more efficient and effective in confronting the challenges the region face, and working for tangible outcomes for progress and prosperity of everyone in the region.
He said the practical impact of the previous SAARC Summits has fallen behind the rhetoric.
Speaking on increasing development and trade cooperation between member states, the President highlighted the importance of resolving the discontent between India and Pakistan.
President also said he would work prioritize reorganising the administrative structure of SAARC in the next SAARC Summit that will be held in Male’, next year.
Visit to China
On his visit to China, which he will begin from Bhutan today, President Nasheed said promoting the relations and extending the cooperation between the Maldives and China were vital for the development of the Maldives.
He noted the much developmental assistance the Maldives has received from China, and expressed confidence of further assistance as a result of his visit.
Objectives of the President’s travels abroad
In this week’s radio address, President Nasheed also answered many questions raised about the objectives of his travels abroad.
Noting that the Maldives has many areas in which it needed assistance and finance, he said without these travels abroad it was not possible for the country to get the assistance and support it need from the international community.
The President said he would not leave a stone unturned to get assistance for the many development projects in the Maldives.
Crimes against women
President Nasheed expressed concern over the increase in incidences of gang rape and other criminal offences against women and girls.
The President assured that the government would not leave such crimes unpunished.