US President praises President Nasheed’s climate leadership
03 February 2010
President urges reporting instances of misappropriation of state resources
03 February 2010
President meets residents of Bodufolhudhoo
03 February 2010
Clemency Board Regulation and Judges Code
of Conduct published in the Gazette
02 February 2010
Cabinet discusses difficulties in getting
letters of credit
02 February 2010
President calls on Police Integrity Commission to
investigate the death of Mohamed Nooz
01 February 2010
Maldives Pledges 100% Mitigation Target Under
Copenhagen Accord
31 January 2010
Weekly address: President discusses public sector wages and electricity subsidies
29 January 2010
ILO Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific calls on the President
28 January 2010
President meets Bangladeshi High Commissioner
28 January 2010