National Honours Committee to open Nominations for National Awards tomorrow
28 May 2012
President Waheed appoints Under Secretary at the President’s Office
27 May 2012
President Waheed urges MNDF personnel to stay Loyal and Steadfast to their Oath
27 May 2012
Waheed Administration expresses disappointment with Nasheed's latest nomination to the Commission of National Inquiry
25 May 2012
President appoints new Controller of Immigration and Emigration
24 May 2012
President appoints Minister of State for Defense and National Security
24 May 2012
President accepts invitation to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Luncheon
24 May 2012
President Waheed meets Ungoofaaru Island Council
23 May 2012
President Waheed appoints new member to National Awards Committee
23 May 2012
Cabinet decides to expand Aa Sandha services to private sector
22 May 2012